Ninth Sunday After Pentecost – August 2

Dear St. Stephen’s Family,

“All ate and were filled!”  as our bulletin cover states this Sunday. It reflects one of our most cherished stories in the Bible of Jesus feeding 5000 men, besides women and children. These are days of relative scarcity in our lives, especially when it comes to gathering in person with others in our family and community – so it is very important to listen this Sunday and believe in God’s Word of welcome, abundance and enough for all regardless of any circumstance. All of the readings remind of us these central aspects of God’s will for us and all creation.

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Eighth Sunday After Pentecost – July 26

Dear St. Stephen’s Family,

It is so hard to not be together in person, but we are doing Christ’s work of caring for each other – especially the most vulnerable among us – by not gathering in person.

So, let’s continue to join our spirits in worship anytime on Sunday. It is so important to offer ourselves to God in this way these days. I know you will find it a comfort and blessing. Previous weeks are recorded as well.  Please find attached, the bulletin cover artwork, scripture readings & prayers in the Celebrate.

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Seventh Sunday After Pentecost – July 19

Dear St. Stephen’s Family,

It is so hard to not be together in person, but we are doing Christ’s work of caring for each other – especially the most vulnerable among us – by not gathering in person.

So, let’s continue to join our spirits in worship at anytime on Sunday. It is so important to offer ourselves to God in this way these days. I know you will find it a comfort and blessing.  Previous weeks are recorded as well.  Please find attached, the bulletin cover artwork, scripture readings & prayers in the Celebrate.

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Fifth Sunday After Pentecost – July 5

Dear St. Stephen’s Family,

One of today’s readings from the Old Testament in Zechariah characterizes God’s people as “prisoners of hope”.  These days, that is an inspiring reminder for us to keep looking for ways to keep hope in front of us as we all wait under the restrictions caused by a very dangerous virus that is not going away any time soon.

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