Reconciled in Christ Welcome Statement

We welcome all who are seeking God’s love and grace. We welcome all because God welcomes all, regardless of race or culture, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, or relationship status. We welcome all without regard to addictions, physical or mental health, imprisonment, socio-economic circumstances, or anything that too often divides us. Our unity is in Christ.”

Approved at the January 2020 Congregational Meeting

Eighth Sunday after Pentecost – July 14, 2024

We gather on 8th Sunday after Pentecost for worship at 10am.

When Amos reports his visions of God judging Israel for its mistreatment of the poor, he becomes a threat to the power of the priests and the king.  John the Baptist also speaks truth to power, and Herod has him killed.  In Herod’s fear that Jesus is John returned from the dead, we may heart hope for the oppressed all the prophets killed through the ages are alive in Jesus.  We are called to witness to justice in company with them, ant to proclaim God’s saving love.

You can also participate in worship through the livestream and recording at

There is usually a Children’s Church / Sunday School program planned during worship. Please contact Leslie Lapp 476-4700 for more info. The Family Room is always available adjacent to the sanctuary for little one’s activities if you need it. We love having children in church and all that brings as part of worship!

Coffee Fellowship:  Please contact our Church Administrator Leslie if you are willing to host. We need you!

Upcoming Events

  • Thursdays – Men’s A.A. 7:00 pm
  • Fridays –  A.A. 7:00 pm
  • Weds. July 17 – Bible Study  11 am & 7:30 pm
  • Mon. July 22 –  Women’s Café Group 6:00 pm
  • Sun. Aug. 4 – Back to School Blessing 10 am & POTLUCK lunch
  • Tues. Aug. 13 9 – Church Council 6:30 pm
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Seventh Sunday after Pentecost – July 7, 2024

Jesus does great deeds of power and gives his disciples authority over demons.  Yet none of this power is unilateral; it all must be received by faith.  Jesus asks his disciples to go out without money or supplies so that they will be dependent on how others receive them.  When we are sent from the assembly to witness and to heal, we are asked to be vulnerable to be dependent on the reception of others.  The Spirit always operates in the “between”: between Jesus and his Abba, between Jesus and us, between you and me, between us and those to whom we are sent.

We gather on 7th Sunday after Pentecost for worship at 10am.

Now is the acceptable time; now is the day of salvation!  Now we are in the storm, the boat almost swamped; but Jesus is here now, and when we call him, he will calm the storm.  Even the wind and waves listen to him as they would do their creator. We also listen to him and are called to believe in the power of God’s word in him, a power greater than all that we fear.

You can also participate in worship through the livestream and recording at

There is usually a Children’s Church / Sunday School program planned during worship. Please contact Leslie Lapp 476-4700 for more info. The Family Room is always available adjacent to the sanctuary for little one’s activities if you need it. We love having children in church and all that brings as part of worship!

Coffee Fellowship:  Please contact our Church Administrator Leslie if you are willing to host. We need you!

Upcoming Events

  • Thursdays – Men’s A.A. 7:00 pm
  • Fridays –  A.A. 7:00 pm
  • Mon. July 8 –  Women’s Café Group 6:00 pm
  • Tues. July 9 – Church Council 6:30 pm
  • Weds. July 10 – Bible Study Resumes  11 am & 7:30 pm
  • Sat. July 13 – ? Property Work Day 9:00 am?
  • Tues. July 23 – provide Habitat Lunches 10:30 am
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Fourth Sunday after Pentecost – June 16, 2024

We gather on 4th Sunday after Pentecost for worship at 10am.

The mustard seed becomes a great shrub that shelters the birds, recalling ancient images of the tree of life.  We’d expect a cedar or a sequoia, but Jesus finds the power of God better images in a tiny, no-account seed.  It’s not the way we expect divine activity to look.  Yet the tree of life is here, in the cross around which we gather, the tree into which we are grafted through baptism, the true vine that nourishes us with it’s fruit in the cup we share.  It may not appear all that impressive, but while nobody’s looking it grows with a power beyond our understanding.

You can also participate in worship through the livestream and recording at

There is usually a Children’s Church / Sunday School program planned during worship. Please contact Leslie Lapp 476-4700 for more info. The Family Room is always available adjacent to the sanctuary for little one’s activities if you need it. We love having children in church and all that brings as part of worship!

Coffee Fellowship:  Please contact our Church Administrator Leslie if you are willing to host. We need you!

Upcoming Events

  • Mon. June 17 – Embroiders 7:00 pm
  • Wed. June 19:  Women’s Café Group 6:00 pm
  • Fri. June 21 – Newsletter Collating 1:00
  • Sat. June 22 – Church property work day 9:00 am
  • Sat. June 22 – Habitat Home dedication 12 Noon Rodeo Creek.
  • Tues. June 25 – provide Habitat Lunches 10:30 am (5 sandwiches still needed)
  • Sun. June  30 –  with Pastor Carol Been 
  • Weds. July 10 – Bible Study Resumes
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