Sunday, December 20 at 7:00 p.m.
St. Stephen’s will be offering a Blue Christmas Service — a time when the “blue” feelings many people experience during the holidays can be acknowledged.
This is not a joyous season for everyone. Greetings of Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays, non-stop shopping, parties, and other traditional ways of celebrating the holidays often contrast sharply with the feelings of people for whom it’s not “the most wonderful time of the year.” For families suffering from the recent or impending death of loved ones or in crisis due to illness or any other kind of loss, or for those who suffer from Christmas depression or other mental illness, it can be a very isolated and lonely time.
In this Blue Christmas Service, all those who are not having a very Merry Christmas for whatever reason, and the friends who support them, are invited to come and be with one another in a liturgy that speaks of the compassionate love of God for His hurting people. Together we will offer up our pain, sorrow, anxiety, and loneliness to the One whose birth we commemorate — our Lord Jesus Christ.
It is our prayer that those who attend will be blessed with peace, hope, and especially the comfort of knowing they are deeply loved by God and not alone.
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