Sunday March 13 – Daylight Savings Begins – “Spring Forward”
8:15 Worship
9:30 Choir
9:30 Adult Forum: Community Bridges with Julie Gilbertson
10:30 Worship & Children’s Church coffee host needed
Holy Week & Easter Worship
Palm Sunday (March 20)
- 8:15 & 10:30 am Dramatic Worship
Maundy Thursday (March 24)
- 11:30 am & 7:30 pm Worship “The Last Supper”
Good Friday (March 25)
- 7:30 pm Worship “The Seven Last Words”
Easter Sunday (March 27)
- 8:15 am Worship
- 10:30 am Worship with Children’s Egg Hunt
- Easter Breakfast to benefit our many ministries. Celebrate the resurrection with food & friends! Served from 9:30 to 12.
Lenten Worship: Feb. 10 until Ash Wednesday – 11:30am & 7:15pm
Every Wednesday during Lent Feb. 17—March 16, we have TWO opportunities to gather:
Worship—11:30 am, Soup lunch—12:30
Soup Supper—6:30 pm, Worship @ 7:15pm (No Soup Ash Wed)
These worship gatherings are designed to help us reflect more deeply on our walk of faith with God. The Season of Lent calls all Christians into a time of fasting, prayer and helping those in need in order to help us prepare for the miracle of the Resurrection at Easter. Please sign up on Sunday to help host a soup lunch or supper. We need at least two families to sign up for each soup supper.
Child Development Center – Pasta Dinner March 5
S A V E T H E D A T E : M A R C H 5
Pasta Dinner (in lieu of crab due to fishery closure)
Join us for our annual Child Development Center fundraiser & fellowship event!
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