Putting up the Palms
Many thanks to Don Smawley and his brother Bill for decorating the St. Stephen’s sanctuary for Palm Sunday. This is a labor of love they’ve done for many years.
Many thanks to Don Smawley and his brother Bill for decorating the St. Stephen’s sanctuary for Palm Sunday. This is a labor of love they’ve done for many years.
“The Cry of the Whole Congregation.”
by Walt Wangerin
Please click on the images at right to open the Palm Sunday bulletin and Celebrate.
Click on the bulletin cover to open the bulletin. Remember to have some bread and wine or grape juice ready for when I celebrate Holy Communion.
Please click on the Celebrate first page to open the Celebrate with today’s Scripture readings.
Dear Fellow Captives of an Unseen Threat,
In my efforts to continue to draw us together in these ways while we endure these times, I feel called to lift up Martin Luther’s main question in his Catechism: “What does this mean?”
It is the task of all Christians to seek God’s will and discover God’s voice each day and in every circumstance. So as we all wonder how this unimaginable circumstance we find ourselves in right now will play out, I offer the attached article by David Brooks (which we read as COPA leaders trying to support one another), as a way to begin to figure out what all this might mean for our lives and for our lives together in the human community.
Let me know what you think. I found it very helpful and hopeful.
Pastor Jim
Per Pastor Jim’s e-mail of March 20th, here is the video of the service made on Saturday, March 21st. The bulletin is linked at the right, the video below. From the e-mail: “I hope you will sing out loud with me, say your parts when they come up and gather some bread and wine or grape juice for Holy Communion and share that when its time! It is important that we take some time to gather in this kind of way on Sunday – God’s day – and attempt to connect in the Spirit through a common worship experience, just like we have always done.”
Please send comments or issues to Kent Madsen.
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