Third Sunday after Epiphany – January 22, 2023
We will gather on Sunday, January 22nd at 10:00 am for worship on the 3rd Sun. after Epiphany. You can also participate through the livestream and recording at
We who have walked in darkness have seen a great light. Yes, the sun has finally come out, but we see this light most profoundly in the cross – as God suffers with us and all who are oppressed by sickness, natural disaster, sin or evil of any kind. Light dawns for us as we gather together around God’s Word, the baptismal font, and God’s holy table. Come to share in the light!
The bulletin and Celebrate scripture readings and prayers are attached, so that you can participate in worship even if you are not able to attend church in-person. Holy Communion will be celebrated, so please have some bread and fruit of the vine ready if you are at home.
Upcoming Gatherings:
Let’s continue to be gracious and merciful with one another as we continue to struggle with a lingering pandemic.
- Masks are still highly encouraged due to our singing in church.
- Physical distancing is still highly encouraged.
- Holy Communion will be offered from Pastor Jim (sanitized hands & masked) at the front of the church. You can remain at your seat and Pastor Jim will bring the elements to you.
Baptism of Our Lord – January 8, 2023
We will gather on Sunday, January 8th at 10:00 am for worship celebrating The Baptism of our Lord. You can also participate through the livestream and recording at
We will be blessed to hear the words that were heard by Jesus at his baptism, and that we each long to hear: “This is my Child, the Beloved, with whom I am well pleased”. Come and receive the love, grace and mission from the God who says: “You are mine”!
The bulletin and Celebrate scripture readings and prayers are attached, so that you can participate in worship even if you are not able to attend church in-person. Holy Communion will be celebrated, so please have some bread and fruit of the vine ready if you are at home.
Upcoming Gatherings:
Let’s continue to be gracious and merciful with one another as we continue to struggle with a lingering pandemic.
- Masks are still highly encouraged due to our singing in church.
- Physical distancing is still highly encouraged.
- Holy Communion will be offered from Pastor Jim (sanitized hands & masked) at the front of the church. You can remain at your seat and Pastor Jim will bring the elements to you.
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