Third Sunday after Pentecost – June 18, 2023
“God of compassion, you have opened the way for us and brought us to yourself. Pour your love into our hearts, that, overflowing with joy, we may freely share the blessings of your realm and faithfully proclaim the good news of your Son, Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Amen.”
As we gather each Sunday, we receive the healing that makes us well and sends us forth to be signs of God’s mercy for the world. We will gather for worship on this 3rd Sunday after Pentecost June 18th at 10:00 am. You can also participate through the livestream and recording at
There is usually a Children’s Church / Sunday School program planned during worship. Please contact Leslie Lapp 476-4700 for more info. The Family Room is always available adjacent to the sanctuary for little one’s activities if you need it. We love having children in church and all that brings as part of worship!
Coffee Fellowship: Please contact our Church Administrator Leslie if you are willing to host. We need you!
Upcoming Events:
- Pastor Jim on vacation/continuing education from June 12 – July 7.
- Sunday June 18 – Rev. Carol Been presiding.
- Sundays June 25 & July 7 – Rev. Gary Stevenson presiding.
- Leslie on vacation June 17 – June 27.
Day of Pentecost – May 28, 2023
A special welcome and note to those of you who join worship through the livestream and recording! Our Technology Minister, Kent Madsen, shared that there have been a few more of you out there recently, and I want to say how much that means to me and the congregation to know that you are there! God’s Spirit is felt and known through your participation and faithfulness. Keep up the good work of setting this time aside for your spirit.
“O God, on this day you open the hearts of your faithful people by sending into us your Holy Spirit. Direct us by the light of that Spirit, that we may have a right judgment in all things and rejoice at all times in your peace . Amen.”
We will gather for worship on the Day of Pentecost, May 28th at 10:00 am. You can also participate through the livestream and recording at
There is usually a Children’s Church / Sunday School program planned during worship. Please contact Leslie Lapp 476-4700 for more info. The Family Room is always available adjacent to the sanctuary for little one’s activities if you need it. We love having children in church and all that brings as part of worship!
Coffee Fellowship: Please contact our Church Administrator Leslie if you are willing to host. We need you!
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