Christ the King Sunday – November 22, 2020

Worship service for Christ the King Sunday, recorded outdoors at St. Stephen’s Lutheran Church in Santa Cruz, California on November 22, 2020.

Jesus compares himself to a king who moves among his subjects to see how he is treated: what is done for the least of those who belong to his family is truly done for him. Pastor Jim expands on our opportunities to serve “the least of these”.

Twenty-fourth Sunday After Pentecost – November 15, 2020

“So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts to wisdom” This refrain from the Psalm for Sunday summarizes our readings well. It also summarizes our basic approach to life as children of God – children of light as Paul calls us. As we each wait the ultimate fulfillment of God’s grace and love for us, we are given the gift of life to be used and lived well by seeking things like  wisdom, truth, and justice for the vulnerable and suffering.

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All Saints Day – November 1, 2020

All Saints Sunday will be an important hour where we will honor and remember the saints among us who have now gone on before us into light eternal: Matthew Barker, Rev. Bonnie Bell, Suzanne Duval, Kirk McMilin, Al Mitchell, Delores Price, Ginny Ruble, and Judy Webber.

We will call to mind and heart all the ways that God’s grace, love, joy and peace came to us through their lives as we lift them each up in prayer and memory.

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Reformation Sunday – October 25, 2020

Dear St. Stephen’s Family,

The theme of this Reformation Sunday worship (our 67th anniversary!) is: “You will know the truth and the truth will set you free”. We will experience a little freedom by gathering in our parking lot for the second time, while lifting up the truth of our faith in Christ. It will be recorded and posted here in the evening.

EVERYONE WEAR SOMETHING RED! This is another way to live out our faith and adorn ourselves with God’s Spirit.

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