All Saints Sunday – November 7, 2021

Dear Beloved Community,

This Sunday, November 7th at 10 am (turn your clocks BACK 1 hr.), we will gather for All Saints Sunday worship in our sanctuary. The names of those from our church family who have died in the past year will lifted up and remembered in our prayers.

  • Lu Sluiter
  • Jean Calvert
  • Jean Petersen,
  • Ron Buswell
  • Rick Olfield
  • Edna Lindquist
  • Al Mitchell

Please bring either a picture or item that represents any loved ones that you would like to remember during worship. There will be a table up front at the baptismal font for you to place the photo or item on. Then please light a small votive candle for them. This will take place right before The Prayers of Intercession. During the prayers there will be a time when you can say the names of those you are remembering out loud.

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All Saints Memorial Service – November 6, 2021

We will gather this Saturday, Nov. 6th at 11 am. for an All Saints Memorial Service indoors. We will especially be remembering those that we were unable to gather for, due to the pandemic restrictions. This service will be livestreamed and recorded on our website.

  • Al Mitchell
  • Delores Price
  • Donald John Wickham
  • Jean Petersen,
  • Jean Calvert
  • Ron Buswell
  • Edna Lindquist

Although some held private services for these loved ones, we were not able to gather as a church family to remember them and give thanks to God for their life and witness. We will bless them with the ways, songs, prayers and scripture readings that our church has honored our dead for centuries and commend them to the Grace of God forever.

There will be a Time of Remembrance when I will ask for us to offer memories and stories about each one, so please come with some reflection on what you are grateful for about them.

Grace and Peace
Pastor Jim

Reformation Sunday – October 31, 2021

Dear Beloved Community,

This Sunday, October 31st at 10 am, we will gather for Reformation Sunday worship in our sanctuary.  Wear something Red to signify the celebration of God’s Spirit renewing the church in every age!

All Saints Memorial Service – Sat. Nov.6 at 11 am in the sanctuary.  We will gather publicly as a church family to honor and commend to God those whom we lost during the pandemic-restricted time, that we were not able to gather for at church. These saints include: Edna Lindquist, Ron Buswell, Jean Calvert, Jean Petersen, Al Mitchell, Delores Price and anyone else you would like to include. Please contact Pastor Jim if someone is not listed here.

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Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost – October 24, 2021

Dear Beloved Community,

This Sunday, October 24th at 10 am, we will gather for worship in our sanctuary for the foreseeable future.

We will dedicate our new signs and banners as we proclaim our more public witness that we are a “Reconciling In Christ” congregation. Please refer to the statement on the back of every bulletin and in each newsletter for more understanding about what this means. We are making our statement more visible to our community so that folks who have been excluded and persecuted by the Christian Church over the centuries, will know that this is a church that welcomes them as God has created them.

Gathering in-person in our worship space is a joyous occasion for sure! But the risks of the pandemic are lingering as we head into the Fall and Winter, so we are taking precautions  described in further detail below.

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Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost – October 17, 2021

Dear Beloved Community,

This Sunday, October 17th at 10 am, we will gather for worship in our sanctuary for the foreseeable future. It has been so wonderful to be back together again and share God’s Spirit and worship in-person!

Gathering in-person in our worship space is a joyous occasion for sure! But the risks of the pandemic are lingering as we head into the Fall and Winter, so we are taking precautions  described in further detail below.

We will focus on the intriguing “hard sayings of Jesus” in the Gospel of Mark, as Jesus employs hyperbole and exaggeration to help people see that God’s ways of lifting up the “little ones” (those most vulnerable) are of ultimate importance for human community.

This time we are challenged to understand “Greatness” in God’s terms as lived out in Jesus Christ, as opposed to any human ruler or way of empire. We will be challenged to ask ourselves, “What does it mean to be a follower of Jesus Christ?”

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