Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost – August 22, 2021

Dear Church – The Body of Christ in the World,

This Sunday August 22nd, we will worship together outdoors in the church parking lot at 10 am. You can join in the livestream by going to our website www.ststephenslutheran.orgThe service will be available as a recording after 5pm on Sunday. 

The bulletin and Celebrate scripture reading and prayers are attached so you can participate in worship in some way if you are not able to attend church in-person this Sunday. Holy Communion will be celebrated, so please have some bread and fruit of the vine ready if you are elsewhere.

Our gathering for worship each Sunday at church, in our homes, or wherever we are able, is very essential to strengthen us to meet the world’s challenges. These days, especially, we cling to the messages of our faith that call us to new beginnings and living a new life. Previous Sunday worship services can be found here at our website.

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Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost – August 15, 2021

Dear Church – The Body of Christ in the World,

This Sunday August 15th we will worship together in Spirit through a recorded worship service.

On Sunday we will need to be creative and patient once more as we hear Jesus use the images of gathering to eat and drink, in order to convey how we need to tend to our spiritual lives by taking in who Christ is and by taking on what God is offering to us through Christ. 

Holy Communion takes on a many-faceted character as we deepen our understanding of what these little bits of bread and fruit of the vine signify about what kind of people we are as a Christian church. We will receive the bread and cup either by ourselves or with a loved one, but we will miss seeing each other and the immediate sense of the deeper community we have formed together through our church. So we will be relying a great deal upon God’s Spirit this Sunday (and for a few more) until we can gather on Sept. 12 at 10am in-person as we resume our familiar practice of worshiping together.

The bulletin and Celebrate are linked here so you can participate in worship in some way if you are not able to attend church in-person this Sunday. Holy Communion will be celebrated, so please have some bread and fruit of the vine ready.

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Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost – August 8, 2021

Dear Fellowship of Faith,

This Sunday August 8th we will worship together at 10 am in the parking lot, and in Spirit through a recorded worship service.

One of the worst parts about the pandemic for churches (especially Lutheran ones!) has been not being able to have potlucks!!  On Sunday we will need to be creative and patient once more as we hear Jesus use the images of gathering to eat and drink, in order to convey how we need to tend to our spiritual lives first and foremost.  We will receive the bread and cup either by ourselves or with a loved one, but we will miss seeing each other and the immediate sense of the deeper community we have formed together through our church. So we will be relying a great deal upon God’s Spirit this Sunday and for a few more until we can gather on Sept. 12 at 10am in-person as we resume our familiar practice of worshiping together.

The bulletin and Celebrate are linked so you can participate in worship and read and sing-along. Holy Communion will be celebrated, so please have some bread and fruit of the vine ready.

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Tenth Sunday after Pentecost – August 1, 2021

Dear Fellowship of Faith,

This Sunday August 1st we will worship together in Spirit through a recorded worship service.

One of the worst parts about the pandemic for churches (especially Lutheran ones!) has been not being able to have potlucks!!  On Sunday we will need to be creative and patient once more as we hear Jesus use the images of gathering to eat and drink, in order to convey how we need to tend to our spiritual lives first and foremost.  We will receive the bread and cup either by ourselves or with a loved one, but we will miss seeing each other and the immediate sense of the deeper community we have formed together through our church. So we will be relying a great deal upon God’s Spirit this Sunday and for a few more until we can gather on Sept. 12 at 10am in-person as we resume our familiar practice of worshiping together.

The bulletin and Celebrate are attached so you can participate in worship in some way if you are not able to attend church in-person this Sunday. Holy Communion will be celebrated, so please have some bread and fruit of the vine ready.

Our gathering for worship each Sunday at church, in our homes, or wherever we are able, is very essential to strengthen us to meet the world’s challenges. These days, especially, we cling to the messages of our faith that call us to new beginnings and living a new life. Previous Sunday worship services can be found at our website. “

Flowers for Worship: Please sign up to provide flowers in honor of someone or a special occasion as another way to offer yourself in worship to God. The Flower Chart will be available at worship, or you can call the church office – 476-4700.

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Ninth Sunday after Pentecost – July 25, 2021

Dear Church Family,

This Sunday, July 25th  at 10 am, we will gather in-person, outdoors in our parking lot for worship. Please bring a chair, wear a mask and invite a friend as we restore our spirits in our time together in God’s Grace and God’s Word for our daily lives.

In our readings Sunday, we remember that God has provided the world with all that it needs. It is a matter of whether or not we will participate with God in bringing about the kind of world that Jesus has showed us is possible – especially in this wonderful “Feeding of the 5,000” story!

The bulletin and Celebrate are linked so you can participate in worship in some way if you are not able to attend church in-person this Sunday. Holy Communion will be celebrated.

Our gathering for worship each Sunday at church, in our homes, or wherever we are able, is very essential to strengthen us to meet the world’s challenges. These days, especially, we cling to the messages of our faith that call us to new beginnings and living a new life. Previous Sunday worship services can be found at our website. “

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