Fourth Sunday of Advent – December 18, 2022
As we pray often in the short 4 week season of Advent, “Stir up your power, Lord Christ, and Come. Come show us and bestow upon us your abundant grace like you did through Joseph and Mary so long ago.
Let’s dedicate ourselves to worshiping faithfully together in this new year, as the Advent season begins! We prepare our hearts for God’s arrival among us as a baby- Emmanuel – as we light the candles on our Advent wreath, which was assembled by Barbara Johnston in loving memory of her mother. Our liturgy incorporates the familiar tunes that the church is so well known for in our world. I know you will really enjoy singing them from your heart to God!
The bulletin and Celebrate scripture readings and prayers are attached, so that you can participate in worship even if you are not able to attend church in-person. Holy Communion will be celebrated, so please have some bread and fruit of the vine ready if you are at home.
Upcoming Gatherings:
Sun. Dec. 18th after worship – Mary/Martha – Ruth Rebecca Women’s Circle Holiday Bake Sale.
Sun. Dec. 18th 12noon – Holiday Potluck. Details in newsletter. Contact Gary Roberts or Steven Hendrickson.
Let’s continue to be gracious and merciful with one another as we continue to struggle with a lingering pandemic.
- Masks are still highly encouraged due to our singing in church.
- Physical distancing is still highly encouraged.
- Holy Communion will be offered from Pastor Jim (sanitized hands & masked) at the front of the church. You can remain at your seat and Pastor Jim will bring the elements to you.
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